During these tough and unprecedented times, it is important to take care of our mental and physical health. There are multiple routes you can take on this journey, but one we can definitely vouch for is a bicycle. So here are some reasons to pick up your bike and get rolling:

  1. Gyms are closed but you were always making excuses to not to go the gym anyway??

2. Maintain Physical Distancing
– Whether you’re on a workout ride or running errands on your bike, rest assured you’re never too close for comfort

3. Less traffic
– One of the benefits of this lockdown has been less crowded streets and cleaner air

4. Me time
– Take a well-deserved break from the mundaneness of home and work

5. Never too late
– It’s a good time to learn a new skill and see it become a part of your routine

6. Reduces Stress
– You’re in a better mood right from the moment your feet hit the pedal

7. Doesn’t hurt to be Healthy
–  The benefits of cycling can add three to 14 months to a bicyclist’s life (Source: The Washington Post)

8. Observe
– There is a difference of at least one lane, two nooks and three crannies between seeing your city on a bike versus in a car

9. Earn those calories –
A 30-minute exercise can burn up to 500 calories, that’s 2 glasses of Vietnamese Iced Coffee

10. Be a changemaker – A small act by everyone can culminate into a massive change for society

11. Earth is healing, just help it out a little bit

#RideYourBike #CovidCycling #TBTBikeWeek #CyclingInGoa #BenefitsOfCycling #CovidEssentials

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